Loader Img

Our hospital will maintain the highest levels of skill, expertise, and infrastructure, supported by a multispeciality approach to emergency care. Our dedicated team will include trauma surgeons, medical specialists, obstetricians, and critical care professionals to deliver immediate, life-saving interventions. Emergency consultations are available round the clock, providing fast access to skilled specialists, including trauma surgeons, cardiologists, neurologists, and critical care professionals. Specialised teams, such as those led by vascular neurologists (stroke physicians) and cardiologists, ensure 24/7 expert management of critical emergencies like strokes and heart attacks. State-of-the-art communication systems connect our emergency rooms, ambulances, and central control, ensuring seamless care coordination.

Inpatient department (IPD) services

IPD services will be available as needed, with admissions options for self-paying patients, government health schemes (such as Swasthya Sathi and Ayushman Bharat), and private health-insurance plans. Immediate admission capabilities with dedicated emergency beds and ICU access ensure swift response to life-threatening conditions. Our facility will be fully equipped to handle comprehensive foetomaternal care, with specialised obstetric teams available 24/7 to manage any obstetric emergencies.

Investigation services

Comprehensive laboratory support will be available 24/7, covering haematology, microbiology, pathology, and radiology for accurate diagnostics. Protocol-driven systems will guide all diagnostic & assessment procedures, with a goal of achieving a triage time of five minutes and ensuring access to neurologists and neurosurgeons within the next five minutes. For stroke cases, the door-to-cath-lab time will be maintained within 20 minutes, ensuring prompt intervention and consistent, dependable results.

Operating theatre (OT) and intervention services

The emergency department will be supported by advanced operating theatres where a range of critical procedures—cardiac, neurological, trauma, and obstetric—will be performed around the clock. The collaborative approach will enable seamless coordination between surgical, interventional & and critical-care teams, ensuring immediate medical & surgical interventions as required.

Ambulance and transport services

Our fully equipped ambulances, staffed with trained paramedics and furnished with advanced equipment, will serve as ‘hospitals on wheels’. Our advanced ambulance services will facilitate rapid transport from remote areas or for life-threatening situations, significantly reducing transit time for critically ill patients. Additionally, bike ambulances will ensure rapid access to life- saving medical interventions in areas where quick transport may otherwise be challenging. An integrated communication network linking the central control room, ambulances, and emergency facilities will further optimise response times.

Research & development (R&D)

We will conduct regular research, surveys, and outcome analyses to continually enhance our emergency care standards.


Comprehensive training will be offered for trauma doctors, paramedics, and emergency personnel, encompassing pre-hospital and in-hospital care. A focus will be placed on emergency response skills and life-saving interventions, supported by a continuing medical education (CME) programme that will include modules on the latest advancements in emergency medicine and clinical care protocols. In addition, we will hold regular symposiums to keep our medical personnel up-to- date with emerging practices and advancements in emergency medicine.